2024 Proxy Voting Form

PROXY for the Bryn Mawr Club of New York City, Submitted by the Present Officers

The undersigned, whose name is (please print) ___________________________________, residing at ________________________________________________________________, being a voting member of the Bryn Mawr Club of New York City, hereby appoints Helen Thurston, president of the board, with full power of substitution as proxy to appear and vote as instructed below at the annual meeting of the Bryn Mawr Club of New York City to be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, or at any continuation or adjournment thereof.

The officers and members in bold are nominated for the following positions:

President Alisha Park ’13
Vice President Friya Bankwalla ’16
Mina Bansal ’17
Secretary Rebecca Hahn ’07
Treasurer Laura Gellert ’93
Communications Chair Maisha Rahman ’13
Young Alumnae Coordinator Jill Li ’18
Webmistress Maya Amis ’79/’87
50s Membership Rep Evelyn Barish ’56
60s Membership Rep Open for nominations
70s Membership Rep Lucille Blair ’76
80s Membership Rep Sabrina Seidner ’85
90s Membership Rep Trilby V John ’98
00s Membership Rep Leila Ghaznavi ’01
10s Membership Rep Open for nominations
Members at Large Helen Thurston (President Emerita)
Barbara Clark ’79 (Copy Editor)
Laura Silvius ’05

Dues Form

The Bryn Mawr Club of New York City provides a full range of activities for alums in New York City and receives no financial support from the College or the Alumnae Association. Please help the club continue to offer exciting events and networking opportunities to Bryn Mawr alums in New York City. The suggested basic annual dues contribution is $50 ($30 for graduates of the last decade), and larger amounts are welcome.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Class: ______________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

E-Mail: __________________________

Telephone: ________________________________

Dues: _____ $50 _____ $75 _____ $100 or higher

_____$30 for GOLD (graduates of last decade)

Dues paid by check may be mailed to:

The Bryn Mawr Club of New York City
P.O. Box 437
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113

Pay dues online with PayPal

Download, print, and mail proxy form to:

The Bryn Mawr Club of New York City
P.O. Box 437
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113

Completed proxy voting forms may also be emailed to brynmawrclubnyc@gmail.com