Virtual 2021 May Day Celebration: Meet Mawrters and BMC Trivia, hosted by Friya Bankwalla ’16 and Trilby V John ’98 (Sunday, May 16th from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)

Dust off your lanterns, recollect your Bryn Mawr trivia, and get ready to join the Bryn Mawr Club of New York City in a wonderful afternoon of Mawrter traditions, trivia, and spirit this May Day!

The Bryn Mawr Club of New York City will honor and celebrate our traditions in multiple virtual May Day activities, all while continuing to practice safe social distancing.

In this exciting afternoon of festivities, alums will have the chance to

Connect and celebrate with other alums,

Share favorite Bryn Mawr memories,

Test your BMC trivia,

And more!

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Friya Bankwalla ’16 graduated Bryn Mawr College with a Bachelors in English and Psychology, a rekindled interest in tennis and horseback riding, and the epiphany that she loved storytelling. Her strong work ethic, passionate enthusiasm, and imaginative creativity have helped her identify interesting book-to-movie adaptations to pursue for Jane Startz Productions, build unique digital campaigns for Penguin Random House’s New York Times Bestsellers, and discover new stories waiting to be found. When she’s not reading, this Bryn Mawr Club of NYC Board Member can be found eating new food, exploring new stories, and meeting new people.

Trilby V John ’98 is a First Year Seminar Adjunct Lecturer at Bronx Community College. After decades as a NYCDOE English teacher, she’s always excited to offer advice in all things major and minor to teachers at all levels.

WHAT: Virtual 2021 May Day Celebration: Meet Mawrters and BMC Trivia, hosted by Friya Bankwalla ’16 and Trilby V John ’98.

WHEN: Sunday, May 16th from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT.

WHERE: Please RSVP HERE. A Zoom link will be provided upon registration and also on the day of the event.

HOW MUCH: This event is Free; however, membership dues and club donations would be greatly appreciated, HERE.