TO BE RESCHEDULED: Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Falling Behind or Moving Ahead, hosted by Associate Professor of Math Education, Laura M. Gellert ’93 and Adjunct Lecturer, Trilby V John ’98 (Thursday, March 18th from 6:00 – 7:30 PM)

This session will be rescheduled.

As educators are moving into another semester of teaching in the time of COVID-19, we would like to continue to come together to “Show and Share” about technology tools being used.

If you would like to “Show and Share”, please contact Laura Gellert by March 10th at

Additionally, we would like to discuss the ideas presented in this article “Kids are Behind in Math Because of COVID-19”, published by EducationWeek on December 2nd, 2020. Although this article is written about math, it applies to other learning as well.

We will open up a part of this session to general questions about teaching during this time, from the perspective of the prospective teacher, the new teacher and the experienced teacher.

All teachers and other education professionals are invited to attend – new teachers and even prospective teachers are strongly encouraged to join us.

When you register, please indicate grade band and subject for which you teach.

Laura Gellert ’93 is an Associate Professor of Math and Childhood Education at the City College of New York. She has been coaching and supervising pre-service and in-service teachers for many years.

Trilby V John ’98 is a First Year Seminar adjunct lecturer at Bronx Community College. After decades as a NYCDOE English teacher, she’s always excited to offer advice in all things major and minor to teachers at all levels.

WHAT: Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Falling Behind or Moving Ahead

WHEN:  TO BE RESCHEDULED    Thursday, March 18th from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.

WHERE: TO BE RESCHEDULED  A Zoom link will be provided upon registration and also on the day of the event.

HOW MUCH: $10 to support the technology of the session. Guests welcome.