Every year, the College celebrates GOLD Month in October. GOLD Month is a celebration of our young alumnae/i and their connection to Bryn Mawr. This year the Bryn Mawr Club of NYC is happy to partner with the NYC members of the GOLD Committee, Aheli Purkayastha ’09, Tina Chang ’15, and Margaret Hurley ’17 for a night of drinks, snacks, and socializing in celebration of GOLD Month.
This event is open to ALL alums, lovingly called GOLD+.
RSVP by registering online.
WHEN: Thursday, October 12, 2017 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
WHERE: Union Hall, 702 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
For questions, please contact Larissa Rubic ’11 and Nicole Huynh ’06 at brynmawrclubnyc@gmail.com.