Meet Bee Ridgway – Book Talk & Signing, at the San Remo, Tuesday, September 24, 7:30 p.m.

River of No Return

Please join us for a reading and talk on The River of No Return, a novel written pseudonymously by Bryn Mawr English professor Bethany Schneider. The book has been described as a remarkable medley of historical fiction, romance, adventure, and fantasy, and has debuted to rave reviews including in the Washington Post, Booklist, and Publisher’s Weekly. Come, listen, and meet with fellow Mawters in a gracious New York apartment. Refreshments will be served.

Bee Ridgway_creditKateThomasNEW

Professor Schneider, who has taught in the English Department since 2001, has published widely on the 19th century literatures of the United States, and is a two-time recipient of Rosalind Schwartz awards for excellence in teaching. She will discuss how her love of literature, teaching and creative writing coupled with her students’ interests interest and inform each other to create an enjoyable best seller. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE READ the BOOK BEFORE THE MEETING.

“A wonderful first novel…Ridgway spins an intricate narrative in elegant prose that combines the best of various genres – spy thriller, historical romance, science fiction, fantasy. Throughout, her juxtaposition of past and present is dazzling and often amusing…The River of No Return has the feel of an instant classic.” – Washington Post

WHEN:   Tuesday, September 24, 7:30 p.m.

WHERE:   The Apartment of Laura Goldberg, daughter of Nancy Schwartz Goldberg ’57
The San Remo
145 Central Park West (between 74th and 75th Streets) – Apartment 8B
New York, NY 10026

R.S.V.P.:   Please RSVP to Melissa Pesce by Monday, September 16 at or 914 671 6620.

Donations of $20 to support a Bryn Mawr Summer Internship gratefully received.