Graciously hosted by Marcia Cantarella ’68, the Bryn Mawr Club of NYC and the Bryn Mawr Book Group are honored to jointly host a gathering featuring Carrie La Seur ’93, who will discuss her path as a writer and her first two novels, The Home Place (William Morrow 2014) and The Weight of an Infinite Sky (William Morrow 2018). The books chronicle the dramas of rural and small town life in La Seur’s home state of Montana, drawing on her experience as an environmental lawyer with issues ripped from the headlines, including coal surface mining. La Seur’s Bryn Mawr education is apparent in her work; she introduces, for example, the plot of Hamlet into the storyline of Infinite Sky. Light hors d’œuvres and wine will be served.
For more information about Carrie La Seur and her work, visit:
Copies of Carrie’s 2 books are available for pre-purchase on the registration checkout screen.
For questions, contact Marcia Cantarella ’68 at
WHEN: Tuesday, March 20, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Home of Marcia Cantarella ’68, 144 West 86th Street (b/w Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues)
COST: $10 for Bryn Mawr Book Group Members; $20 per Bryn Mawr College Alums and Guests
RSVP by registering online.
For questions, contact Marcia Cantarella ’68 at