Constance Rosenblum ’65, a New York Times reporter and former editor of the City section, will discuss her new book, Habitats: Private Lives in the Big City, just published by NYU Press. The book, a collection of expanded versions of her Habitats column, published in The Times, offers 40 vivid and intimate stories about how New Yorkers really live in their brownstones, their apartments, their mansions, and their lofts, and as a whole presents a rich, multi-textured portrait of what it means to make a home in the world’s most varied and powerful city. This event will appeal to anyone interested in New York, its rich history, and the people who live here.
“The tales of luck or hard work that resulted in the securing of perfect tiny shoebox apartments, rehabbed brownstones, and converted industrial spaces provide a frisson of envy that keeps us reading; it’s the same urge that has us gaze up at lighted windows from the sidewalk below and wonder if someone else’s house, and thus, their very existence, is better than our own. Rosenblum’s profiles are a celebration of New York.” – Publishers Weekly
Books will be available for sale and for signing by the author, and refreshments will be served.
For more information on the book, go to
WHAT: Book Talk: Habitats: Private Lives in the Big City, by Constance Rosenblum ’65
WHEN: Wednesday, May 22, 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Home of Elizabeth Holloway and Jim Kafadar
350 Bleecker Street, Apt 6E (between Charles and 10th Street)
(ring buzzer no. 21 if doorman is on break)
New York, NY 10014
Christopher Street subway stop on the 1 train, West 4th Street stop for the A, B, C, D, E, F and M trains.
HOW MUCH: Free. Donations toward Bryn Mawr internships gratefully accepted.
R.S.V.P.: RSVP with name and class year by May 18th to, making sure to write “Habitats” in the subject line.