Location: Acquavella Galleries; 18 East 79th Street; New York, NY 10075
Join Lucille Blair for a private viewing of Lucien Freud’s Drawings led by Michael Findlay, an internationally renowned art dealer and a Director of Acquavella Galleries who is also the author of the recently published The Value of Art.
Description of the exhibition (currently on view in London) by the Financial Times:
“If the National Portrait Gallery’s tremendous Lucian Freud exhibition is the public statement of the late artist’s historical significance, this museum-standard, nonselling display of drawings and etchings installed in a Georgian interior in Mayfair offers the private, intimate angle [proceeding to New York in May], it is superbly curated – and was planned closely with Freud &’ by his biographer William Feaver, and includes outstanding work from every period.”
Cost: $20
R.S.V.P. to brynmawrclubnyc@gmail.com and write “Lucien Freud” in the subject line.